Full text of Pcelarstvo -knjige
Dating > Full text of Pcelarstvo -knjige
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Dating > Full text of Pcelarstvo -knjige
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Click here: ※ Full text of Pcelarstvo -knjige ※ ♥ Full text of Pcelarstvo -knjige
Pcele narocito rado bodu znojne ljude i zivotinje. Strani pisci kazu da se kranjska pcela prostire i po krajevima susjednim Kranjskoj: Koruskoj, i u Jugoslaviji do Dalmacije. Takav nacin gradnje posljedica je zahtjeva za stednjom materijala i za jakoscu gradnje.
Please contact the Slavic Bibliographer if there are specific reels of Dela that you would recommend that the library acquire. Poslo se od pretpostavke da ce vise autora bolje obraditi materijal nego jedan, jer ce svdki dobiti onaj dio koji bolje poznaje i za koji ima vise sklonosti. Ima oblik posiroke, valjkaste, poprecno naborane cijevi koja je u radilica duga 10 do 12 mm, u matice oko 13 mm, a u truta oko 19 mm. Prednjem crijevu kao cjelini zadatak je dovodenje hrane. This journal is searchable using modern Russian post-1917 spelling, although the text is available in its pre-1917 orthography. To pcele ne mogu izdrzati, postaju nemirne, balegaju u kosnici, a nastoje i za hladnog vremena iz nje izici. Pored toga, ako su stanice dugacke medne stanice , linija izdizanja zauzima krivi, zaobljeni oblik. Vrijeme iza azoika dijeli se na tri doba, staro, srednje i novo. Cuvanje saca od moljaca. Sastoji se od nakupine zlijezdnih stanica.
Na samom pocetku tankog crijeva nalaze se usca Malpighijevih cjevci- ca. Radilicke i trutovske stanice imaju oblik pravilne sesterostrane prizme.
Resources Outside The University Of Chicago Of Interest To Slavic And East European Studies Scholars - Zimi, kad se stisnu u zimsko klupko, pcele trose manje kisika, pa se otvor leta moze umjereno smanjiti. Osim toga izmijenio se odnos primitivnih kosnica u korist modernih, a poboljsao se i kvalitet rada s njima.
Zhyvopys, Kyiv: Mystetstvo, 1967 sponsored by the University Center for Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, is The World Wide Web Virtual Library's entry to organizing resources about this field. As such, it provides an excellent starting point for investigating the Web. It includes national home pages, interactive databases, research aids and information on current events, to name just a sampling of its coverage. In addition to the broad array of resources available within REESWeb, below is a selection of sources that are of particular interest in our field. Each volume is presented in the original Russian and in English translation. Access to this database, from this site, is for the University of Chicago only. See the for a list of journal titles and subject areas. NOTE THAT WE HAVE LIMITED DOWNLOADS PER YEAR, SO BROWSE FREELY, BUT DOWNLOAD ONLY THOSE ARTICLES MOST IMPORTANT TO YOUR RESEARCH. Subject coverage: all areas of the humanities, social sciences and sciences. Time coverage: 1998 - present. The 200,000+ citations and abstracts cover books, individual chapters in monographic collections, manuscripts, and dissertations, plus articles from more than 10,000 periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Citations are given in their original language in Library of Congress transliteration and subject headings can be searched in transliterated Russian and in English. Access to this database from this site, is for the University of Chicago only. Among those titles included are Argumenty i fakty, Itogi, ITAR-TASS, Izvestiia, Kommersant-Daily, Literaturnaia gazeta, Nezavisimaia gazeta, Obshchaia gazeta, Rossiiskaia gazeta, Sankt-Peteterburgskie vedomosti, and Zavtra. Each week it presents a selection of Russian-language press materials, carefully translated into English. The translations are intended for use in teaching and research, presented as documentary materials without elaboration or comment, and state the opinions and views of the original authors, not of the publisher of the journal. Â The oldest Soviet and Russian academic history journal, it has offered scholarly perspectives on events in Russia and the world since 1926. Published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, this legendary journal covers Russian and world history. Â NOTE: To search a pre-1980 start date, you will need to click on the drop box and select the appropriate start date. It offers articles, essays and roundtable transcripts dealing with problems of Russian and world literature, history and theory of literature. This journal is also noteworthy for its publications from the writers' archives. NOTE: To search a pre-1980 start date, you will need to click on the drop box and select the appropriate start date. Together with literature and arts the journal enlightened its readers on problems of internal and foreign policy of Russia as well as history and political life of foreign countries. Nikolai Karamzin, the famous writer and historian, was its editor. The journal ceased publishing in 1830. This journal is searchable using modern Russian post-1917 spelling, although the text is available in its pre-1917 orthography. To search a pre-1980 start date, you will need to click on the drop box and select the appropriate start date. Tables and maps are included. The Wire Service provides daily analysis of current trends and events. Access to this database from this site, is for the University of Chicago only. Slavic and East European topics and sources are well represented. Coverage of the electronic database begins with 1973. For earlier years 1964-72 see the print copy at Z7003. M67 RR and RR3. It contains many citations to Slavic and East European topics, and is particularly useful for its coverage of western European journals. Coverage is from 1972 - present. Included are thousands of citations to scholarly materials on Slavic and East European topics, and it is particularly useful in identifying citations in western European publications. Included are translations of important radio and television broadcasts, as well as selected newspaper and journal articles, news agency releases and other official government statements. From 1912-1991, it was the official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Part of the Soviet Union. There are multiple access points, and The original images of each page are available, as well as a text-only version of any given article. Petersburg , the Russian State Library Moscow , the Russian Public Historical Library Moscow and other depositories, providing bibliographic descriptions and detailed holdings information for more than 6,400 newspapers published within the territories of the Russian Empire. In Russian; free access. The user can browse title, issue by issue, as well as search for individual articles by author, title and date. The index can be searched by country of publication, city of publication, title or language. Most titles can be borrowed through Interlibrary Loan. Member institutions include the libraries of Arizona State University, Stanford University, University of Arizona, University of California Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, University of Hawaii, University of Oregon and the University of Washington. The 454 reels of the Opisi are a joint purchase of the CIC libraries, a consortium of which the University of Chicago is a member, and are housed in the University of Illinois Urbana Slavic and East European Library. The Opisi are available to all University of Chicago faculty, students, staff, and other authorized borrowers with privileges at any one of the CIC libraries. Use the Library's special form to borrow needed reels on Interlibrary Loan. Microfilm of individual reels of the Dela archival documents , are available for purchase in any combination. Please contact the Slavic Bibliographer if there are specific reels of Dela that you would recommend that the library acquire. This system is maintained in Moscow by Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, in collaboration with Rosarkhiv, the Federal Archival Service of Russia. This inventory includes 1 Non-Searchable image files 2 OCR'd or keyboarded text 3 Encoded text and 4 Overlap categories. Browse by category or keyword search. FEB-web is, first and foremost, a repository of Russian verbal art and the scholarly and other texts vital to understanding it. FEB-web makes the canon of Russian verbal art available free of charge to anyone with internet access. FEB-web is also a unique analytical tool with functional capabilities that allow researchers to approach Russian verbal art in a fundamentally new way. Includes full-texts of authors' works Pushkin, Batiushkov, Griboedov, Boratynskii, Tiutchev, Lermontov, L. Tolstoi, Esenin, Slovo o polku Igoreve, and Byliny , as well as general reference works and those devoted to specific authors or genres. The digital collection consists chiefly of summary transcripts of 705 interviews conducted with refugees from the USSR during the early years of the Cold War. A unique source for the study of Soviet society between 1917 and the mid-1940s, the HPSSS includes vast amounts of one-of-a-kind data on political, economic, social and cultural conditions. This link will also take you to the archives of the Reports published by Open Media Research Institute, Prague, Czech Republic the past few years. Published by the International Association for Caucasian Studies IACRS , beginning with no. The Federal Research Division of LC regularly prepares and updates handbooks for over 71 countries, including the countries and regions of the former Soviet Union and Eastern and Central Europe. Many of the printed copies of these handbooks are in the Slavic Reference Collection RR2S. Look at to search the text of these handbooks, individually or in combination.